And its also true that this life has its highs and lows. I pray that high time to come soon and can't wait. After all that happened, I guess He wanted me to recover by presenting all that I've missed before my eyes. I'm beginning to grasp this new concept about life given to me by God.
The most important part to remember is that we are all individuals with different needs and expectations. This is very important to remember especially to those who have not yet met the One/pressured to tie the knot. Some friends I know find it as mandatory to do certain things at a certain age. Between 13-early 20s : Get a girlfriend/boyfriend, between mid 20s-early 30s : Get married . And it doesn't stop there, 1st to 3rd year of marriage : Have a kid.
Everything seems to have an expiry date these days. I pity those who do not have the means to marry a person yet force themselves to do it. Some would go into huge debts just to pay for gift exchanges, reception etc ...
Though I do not condemn such things, I mean it is after all, a wedding. Something that happens once in your lifetime for most people. But must we be subjected to all the unnecessary financial burden just to materialize a one day fantasy? But hey, if you got the dough, spend it all you want.
Is the amount of $$ a person has, has become the measure for love? how about loyalty and kindness?
Can a loyalty for a person for 8-10 years not be more valuable compared those material things?
The value people put into something nowadays seems very superficial. If love unites you in the first place with that particular person, then it should be the one factor that leads to matrimonial bliss, not how much that person can 'afford' you.
Tradition; it can either shape you or corrupt you.